Ladislav Suster

Co-Founder | Data Consultant

Martin Trepac

Co-Founder | Brand Consultant

T Keywords AU preaudit

Unlock the Potential of Your Online Traffic!

Are you looking to optimize your online presence and reach your target audience effectively?

By focusing on keywords with a clear “business intent”, you can effectively target your desired audience and drive more qualified traffic to your website.

Here are 7 bullet points to help you analyze and monitor your Google traffic with an example on Formwork Manufacturing in Australia:

1. Keyword Gathering:

a) Primary keywords: top products and topics (e.g. formwork, scaffolding)

b) Secondary, tertiary keywords: related topics with no primary business intent (e.g. concrete, plywood)

c) Action keywords: keywords with business intent (e.g. rent, buy)

d) Location keywords: where your service is provided (e.g. Sydney, Australia)

e) Feature keywords: product and service features (e.g. best, affordable)

f) Brand keywords: own and competitors’ brand names (e.g. Peri, Doka)

g) Product categories: main product groups

h) Product IDs: specific IDs and names

i) Other relevant areas (e.g. career, education)

2. Create Combinations:

combine all relevant keyword groups with each other (e.g. a+c, e+a+d, etc.)

3. Mine Data for all combinations, and get:

• Search volume
• Cost per click
• Competition in a specific region

4. Data Enrichment

5. Data Analysis

6. ROI Calculation

7. Prioritize while implementing the outcome in SEO, PPC, and Content Strategy.

Understanding the business intent through data will get you the best outcome out of your online traffic.

Reach out if you’re interested in getting a research report for your company!

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